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Python - RFM segmentation - Retail example

RFM segmentation is the basic customer segmentation based on recency, frequency and monetary value of customer.

Recency (R): When was the user’s most recent transaction.

Frequency (F): How often does the customer transact.

Monetary (M): What is the size of the user’s transaction.

K (the number of clusters) in the K-means - hyperparameter. In our example based on elbow method we selected 3 clusters: 0 - loyal, 1 - new, 2 - churned.

Elbow method - common way to choose K optimally: we plot the sum of squared errors (SSE) for various K values and choose the K value at which the SSE decline slopes change significantly between before and after the value. In the retail example below the K value 3 stands for 3 clusters, because after the third cluster is the function in elbow method already linear.

1. Get the data

# Import The Libraries import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np !pip install xlrd !pip install openpyxl # Import The Dataset, Use dataset:

df = pd.read_excel("retail_example.xlsx", engine="openpyxl") df = df[df['CustomerID'].notna()] df.head()

2. Sample data

# Sample the dataset df_fix = df.sample(10000, random_state = 42) # Convert to show date only from datetime import datetime df_fix["InvoiceDate"] = df_fix["InvoiceDate"] # Create TotalSum colummn df_fix["TotalSum"] = df_fix["Quantity"] * df_fix["UnitPrice”] # Create date variable that records recency import datetime snapshot_date = max(df_fix.InvoiceDate) + datetime.timedelta(days=1) # Aggregate data by each customer customers = df_fix.groupby(['CustomerID']).agg({ 'InvoiceDate': lambda x: (snapshot_date - x.max()).days, 'InvoiceNo': 'count', 'TotalSum': 'sum’}) # Rename columns customers.rename(columns = {'InvoiceDate': 'Recency', 'InvoiceNo': 'Frequency', 'TotalSum': 'MonetaryValue'}, inplace=True)

from scipy import stats customers_fix = pd.DataFrame() customers_fix["Recency"] = stats.boxcox(customers['Recency'])[0] customers_fix["Frequency"] = stats.boxcox(customers['Frequency'])[0] customers_fix["MonetaryValue"] = pd.Series(np.cbrt(customers['MonetaryValue'])).values customers_fix.tail() 3. Normalize data # Import library to normalize the data from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler # Initialize the Object scaler = StandardScaler() # Fit and Transform The Data customers_normalized = scaler.transform(customers_fix) # Assert that it has mean 0 and variance 1 print(customers_normalized.mean(axis = 0).round(2)) # [0. -0. 0.] print(customers_normalized.std(axis = 0).round(2)) # [1. 1. 1.] 4. Fit model !pip install seaborn import seaborn as sns

# Elbow Method , the first 3 clusters are the most significant, other are more linear

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans sse = {} for k in range(1, 11): kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=42) sse[k] = kmeans.inertia_ # SSE to closest cluster centroid plt.title('The Elbow Method') plt.xlabel('k') plt.ylabel('SSE') sns.pointplot(x=list(sse.keys()), y=list(sse.values()))

# fit the model

model = KMeans(n_clusters=3, random_state=42) model.labels_.shape 5. Create clusters

# Set colors to legend of 3 clusters sns.color_palette("Greys", 3) palette=sns.color_palette("Greys", 3)

customers["Cluster"] = model.labels_ customers.groupby('Cluster').agg({ 'Recency':'mean', 'Frequency':'mean', 'MonetaryValue':['mean', 'count']}).round(2) # Create the dataframe df_normalized = pd.DataFrame(customers_normalized, columns=['Recency', 'Frequency', 'MonetaryValue']) df_normalized['ID'] = customers.index df_normalized['Cluster'] = model.labels_ # Melt The Data df_nor_melt = pd.melt(df_normalized.reset_index(), id_vars=['ID', 'Cluster'], value_vars=['Recency','Frequency','MonetaryValue'], var_name='Attribute', value_name='Value') df_nor_melt.head() 6. Data insight and visualisation

# Visualise clusters sns.lineplot('Attribute', 'Value', hue='Cluster', data=df_nor_melt , palette=palette )

cluster 0 - loyal customer - frequent, spend more, and they buy the product recently.

cluster 1 - new customer - is less frequent, less to spend, but they buy the product recently.

cluster 2 - churned customer - is less frequent, less to spend, and they buy the product at the old time.

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