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Python - www operations - advertools

We can analyze marketing productivity, keywords, searched data, tables, information by google, e.g. on wikipedia, audience, marketing text, URL structure, SEO, social, SEM, jsons, structured entities, facebook, text ads. Advertools python package is in 2021 an ideal choice, which can be included into corporate web analytics. %config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# install advertools package

pip install advertools

import advertools as adv

import pandas as pd

pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)

# use google login



# create data frames from wikipedia list and concatenate text information to sentences

top_US_banks = pd.read_html('', header=0)[0]


names = top_US_banks['Bank name'].tolist()


names = top_US_banks['Bank name'].tolist()


assets= top_US_banks['Total assets (billions of US$)'].tolist()

combined_values = 'Assets of ' + top_US_banks['Bank name'].map(str) + ' are ' + top_US_banks['Total assets (billions of US$)'].map(str)+ '.'


0 Assets of JPMorgan Chase & Co. are $2,622.53. 1 Assets of Bank of America are $2,354.51. 2 Assets of Citigroup Inc. are $1,917.38. 3 Assets of Wells Fargo & Co. are $1,895.88. 4 Assets of Royal Bank of Canada are $1,039.24. 5 Assets of Toronto-Dominion Bank are $1,006.00. 6 Assets of Goldman Sachs are $931.80. 7 Assets of Morgan Stanley are $853.53. 8 Assets of Scotiabank are $785.44. 9 Assets of Bank of Montreal are $613.56. 10 Assets of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce a... 11 Assets of U.S. Bancorp are $467.37. 12 Assets of Truist Financial are $441.24. 13 Assets of Banco Itaú are $401.10. 14 Assets of PNC Financial Services are $382.32.

dtype: object

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